Kings Plant Barn is one of Auckland's most loved garden centres, nurturing our relationship with plants for over 25 years.

Bringing Plants to Life is Kings Plant Barn’s purpose and vision. It’s about learning to care for living things. By showing people how to grow and tend to plants through practical, expert advice, KPB helps them experience the humanity and empathy at the very heart of these simple, intimate acts.

Feeding people’s curiosity and understanding of plant life helps reconnect them with what is fundamental to their wellbeing. The more high-tech our lives become, the more we need the slowness and beauty of plants. By sparking and nurturing new intimacies between humans and plants, KPB works to reconnect and strengthen the relationship between people and nature that our contemporary lives have strained.

By bringing plants directly into gardens, homes, schools, workplaces and communities and through passing on knowledge, KPB is helping to cultivate a greener future for New Zealanders.