STILL is an organisation made up of niche companies, collaborations and cultural projects nurtured in a singular ecosystem. Our projects, investments and activities are expressions of our primary areas of interest: people, nature, arts and culture.

We work with an extreme long-term outlook. We’re interested in businesses and projects which have a positive impact on the human experience today and will continue to have a positive impact on communities centuries from now. There are two arms to our organisation – STILL 100 and STILL Investments.

STILL 100 will acquire, start or support 100 New Zealand businesses, not-for-profits or projects over the next decade. STILL 100 supports brave people to go further in their ambition. A STILL 100 project is of undisputed quality and mastery, something done meticulously well. It contains an element of beauty. It is tangible. It is unconventional and unique.

STILL Investments holds portfolios in equities, bonds, real estate and private equity funds, and makes direct investments into both venture and growth businesses.

Our Companies

Our Investments